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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Late Night Inspiration


Tonight I am inspired by the ladies who posed for Gil Elvgren's classic pin up artwork!

 the images in this post are by no means the property of the author of this blog. if you have suggestions for appropriate accredidation please feel free to email me!


Messy said...

OMG Love it!!!!! What a cool (don't know if thats what I should call it?!? LOL)
Loved your job comment! LOL Guess what?!? I quit last wednesday! I gave my jerk boss 2 weeks notice and he kicked me out!!!! Like threw my bag out the door. LOL I have never left a job on bad terms and it was a couple days of a pitty party but all is good now. Your comments make me smile, thanks for coming by my blog!
PS: Ok, I quit my crap job...your turn...LOL jk!

d r e w said...

oh wow, i love it! that witch photo is fabulous!

E.Elizabeth/ With Care Jewels and Stuff said...

Once, in New Orleans, I accidentally ended up in an erotic bookstore with my mother. To make it less awkward, she bought me a book of Gil Elvgren pin-ups. Well played, Mom.

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