I've said it before and I'll say it again, Christmas and I are not friends. However, I can never resist the charm of old Playskool toys. Now that Christmas commercials are appearing freakishly early I'm reminded of the Playskool toys I had when I was a kid.
Playskool, as we know it, came to be in 1943 when they bought the J.L. Wright Company - makers of Lincoln Logs. Through mergers in 1958 and 1962 the company acquired a wood product manufacturer and a producer of wooden blocks, checkers, and construction sets. In 1968 Playskool became a subsidiary of Milton Bradley.
I think what sets Playskool toys apart in our memories is their visual and design simplicity, placing emphasis on educating the preschool set in a time before rampant television programming for children, computers, and video games. I will always remember the Playskool merry-go-round my mother saved for me to play with, as well as my plastic record player and my friend's Lincoln Logs.
Here's a little collection of (now) vintage toys and wholesome advertising. I dared go as late as the 70's, shocking, I know.
^ this is the house that Jack built! (aretha sings) ^
^ delightful ^
^ a crappy image of a cute advertisement from '64 ^
^ forget email ^
What's going to be exponentially more exciting than this post is when I round up all the toys that were totally cool in the 1940's/50's/60's but today would make parents and teachers alike scream out loud. Like this toy submarine gun with siren!
I'm with ya on the vintage toys, but for me my weakness is Fisher Price Little People. Little Betty has almost all of them. It's excessive.
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