It's been awhile, blog. Skipping the detailed excuses of where I've been, let's just say the month of June was full of: unexplained illness, doctors appointments, acupuncture, boyfriend break-ups, and the gift of arthritis. However, I am set on squeaking a Midcentury Monday post in today while it still counts!
This afternoon Craigslist wasn't really affording me any stellar furniture pieces per my usual MCMM posts, but I did come across some beautiful light-up world globes from the 50s and 60s selling for $65 each. Here are some great images of these old classroom globes, including a couple links to purchase your own on etsy.
Cram globe via Craigslist
Hammond globe via Craigslist
via Craigslist
While I wouldn't say that I have globe fever, I do always appreciate a good one and I always appreciate people who appreciate globes and maps!
Of the many, many things that were pawned off on me when my grandfather passed away (ah. being the person in the family who "likes old things") my favorite items are two Hess station free-bee drinking glasses, decorated with decals of old cars, a box of crayons that were used by my father in the 60s, my cousins in the 70s and myself in 80s, and a squeaky, old, tin globe- no longer perfectly round- that displays most of the African continent as uncharted. So beautiful!
I wish my family would remember me in times of purging... old junk that is! Unfortunately the majority of my family is of the "get rid of everything" school of thought :/
love that black with with the funky legs!
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